
Showing posts from June 10, 2011

My Editing Job

While I have had a lot of writing jobs to show off, I have never really tried to edit professionally. My experience has been limited to editing high school articles in my high school paper (I was Features Editor back then – two of my dearest bestfriends were Editor-In-Chief and Managing Editor) and making corrections on my IELTS students’ writing tests. Well, not until recently.  I came across a wonderful woman who has a lot of fantastic ideas about memory enhancement and brain nutrition, and I helped her organize her thoughts for her already long-standing website.  We made her write-ups more spontaneous and engaging to her readers.  The challenge in editing her work, other than infusing accurate grammar and correct sentence structures with fluid thoughts, was to make sure to keep her views and ideas intact.   And retain her very own method of writing. We have finished the job, the 14 articles edited and enhanced. Now, three weeks later, I went back to he...